

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Cruelty free skincare for hyperpigmentation and acne-prone skin.

Since making the switch to a vegan lifestyle I've been researhing more and more about cruelty free cosmetics so that I don't support any form of cruel practices. Luckily I didn't own many brands that tested on animals before the switch anyway!

That said, I also wanted to make my skincare more natural with as little 'un-pronouncable' ingredients possible. As a rule of thumb I try to stick to ingredients that I've at least heard of before...except for when it comes to scarring! I've got my fair share of hyperpigmentation left over from when I had severe acne. So to combat that I've got a few glycolic products as (apparently) that's what works best at getting rid of scars.

As someones suffered from various forms of skin conditions, mild to severe acne, eczema, dryness , oiliness- the lot! I'm not going to say that this is the answer to all your skin issues or that this is the perfect routine but at the moment it's doing a pretty good job of helping me clear my skin- something that, so far, no other product 
or routine has been doing.

Now I've been using these Nip+Fab products for over a month now and definietly see subtle changes. The exfoliator is a must if you have dull, dry skin or if you've got any acne scarring like myself.
Ingredients like almond oil, shea butter and aloe vera make it the perfect consistancy for it to do it's job without being too abrassive!
I usually exfoliate about 2 a week.

Every other day I actually do very little to my skin. Depending on what it's like each morning I might not wash it at all! If I do, I'll splash some water on my face and then I'll put of my diy astringent on it. I mix 2 parts water with 1 part Apple cider vinegar and 1 part Rosewater. I find that once this drys in to my skin is super soft and it helps keep the oil at bay. 
Each night then, I'll generally do the same thing and once the toner has done its thing I put some coconut oil on to add extra moisture.

As for price point, this is possibly one of the cheapest and simplest skin routines I've followed. 
I got my Nip+Fab products off of Cloud10 Beauty, who have free international shipping on orders over €15 ! 
The serum was €15 while the exfloiator was €10, not bad compared to in store prices!
A litre bottle of Apple cider vinegar can be found at any health food  store for about € 15 euro too which is pretty good too considering it lasts ages! 
And I got the coconut oil from Tesco for € 2.50! Bargain!


  1. Very Informative article

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