
Thursday 31 December 2015

The Best of 2015.

So as I've mentioned before I'm not one for resolution posts at New Years but before the day is out and 2016 is upon us (time is flyin' ey?!) It would be worthwhile having a look back at 2015 at some of my proudest posts. I've definitely come a long way in the last year in all aspects of blogging. Between content, image quality and the overall blog design, a lot has changed around here...for the better, no doubt!
2015 was the year of the dreaded Leaving Cert exams, which are thankfully over and done with never to be spoken about again. Once they were out of the way I had one of the best holidays I've ever been on with my friends. No better way to celebrate the end of an era as I finished school and got ready for college (Uni). Amidst all this I made the biggest lifestyle change for me thus far; going vegan. As one of THE best changes I've ever made, I've written a few posts on why vegan and some posts on what I actually eat now! And I hope to continue learning and talking about it around here so keep your eyes peeled if you're interested!
And who could forget the music that I've been addicted to this year. 2015 was define try a weird year for me in terms of my music taste I went from loving a lot of Irish artists(and still do!) like Hudson Taylor, The Coronas, Hozier and of course Coldplay to becoming a fan of 1D?! I don't know where,when or how it happened but I'm glad it did.(for the most part, the part where zayn leaves could of been left out but sure look..). If you haven't listened to any of their recent albums and are still stuck in that mindset that the fandom is comprised only of 12 year old screaming'd be wrong. Having gone to their gig in Dublin, followed fan accounts on vine, twitter and the rest and having written a few style posts inspired by them, I'd say there's no escape now!
What positive changes did you make in 2015?

My most popular and favourite posts of 2015;

1 comment:

  1. hi omg i just found your blog and i am in love!
    i love your photos, fashion, and i was so excited to see that you follow a HCLF diet like me!
    i really hope we could become blogging buddies? follow me on twitter @annazhllnv and let me know lovely xxxx

